My Morning Coffee

Can you drink coffee and be a Yogi?

There is an assumption made about yoga teachers that goes something along the lines of because we are all blissed out on yoga, we must not drink coffee, right? An assumption that yoga and coffee are incongruous somehow. Well, incongruous or not, I drink coffee and I love it :) Always have. And while many of my habits and lifestyle choices have shifted over the years, drinking coffee in the morning is one that I choose to keep.

What I have changed is how I drink my coffee, both in terms of my intention behind it and how I take it. First, I drink it with intention, savoring and enjoying it, often as I journal or consider how I want to use my time that day. It’s not about a morning pick me up or helping me energize for my day. To me, those things are more related to my quality/quantity of sleep and my morning practice. Coffee is something I drink just because I love it. I love the ritual around it, the flavor, the aroma, the creaminess of it. Does that make it yogic? Maybe. Or maybe not. Either way, I’m good with it :)

What does Ayurveda say about Coffee?

It depends. This is kinda the joke in Ayurveda, that this is the answer to most questions. Very few things are admonished outright, but rather it depends on why you are using it, how it makes you feel, whether it causes imbalances in your mind or body. If it’s a substitute for sleep, Ayurveda would suggest the obvious there and implore you to sleep more. If you feel jittery, unable to sit still, overly intense, or have digestive issues as a result, then honor your body and consider an alternative. If you are listening to your body and drinking coffee in moderation, then enjoy! And I really mean that because how we eat (or drink) is sometimes just as important as what we eat.

Ayurveda would also encourage you to hydrate first, ideally with lemon or lime (if you tend to run hot both physically and emotionally) in warm water.

When Coffee is more than Coffee

If you are a coffee purist, this part may challenge you, but I add a bunch of things to my coffee that help to lower the stimulant effect and increase the cognitive function of coffee. Once made, I blend (very carefully so as to avoid a literal hot mess) my coffee with some or all of the following, it just depends on what I feel like I need that day:

  • Coconut milk, this is just for the creaminess

  • MCT oil for the increased focus and cognitive benefits

  • Ashwagandha is an adaptogen that helps your body manage stress

  • Organic Cacao, just for the love of it

  • Ceylon Cinnamon, especially if you use a sweetener, to help regulate blood sugar

  • Reishi, Chaga, Lion’s Mane, or other organic powdered mushrooms/blends (for stress support, immune support, and brain support)

A recipe for this is below, but feel free to play with the ratios until you find a version you love. I’d encourage you to start with a small amount of each add-in so you can see how you like the flavors.

And remember, how you drink your coffee is just as important as the ingredients you add in, so make a ritual out of it by taking a few minutes to journal, organize your thoughts, plan your day, or just sit and sip and enjoy!

Let me know if you try the recipe or some version of it by leaving a comment below!


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